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Mission Grant Opportunities

Fund the Mission

PURPOSE: Investing in the priesthood of believers to spark “life-on-life” Gospel connections in communities throughout the CNH District. Covering the following three areas:


  • Spark Mini Grants: Empowering congregations to reach out to their communities (DOWNLOAD PDF APPLICATION)

  • Short Term Mission Trip Scholarship: Provide lay people the opportunity to be involved in a focused immersive mission experience

  • Lay Leadership Training Scholarship: Training, experiential learning, and/or other leadership development opportunities that support the learning and development of Christian Laity.


PURPOSE: Planting or Replanting a Word and Sacrament LCMS Congregation (Faith Community) OR Start a New Mission and/or Ministry (Catalyst Grant)


  • Catalyst Grant: A new mission and/or ministry that is not immediately centered on Word and Sacrament but comes alongside Word and Sacrament ministry. May include starting a New Lutheran Pre-School, Lutheran Elementary School, Lutheran High School, Lutheran Organization, New Christ Based Social Service Mission/ Ministry (DOWNLOAD PDF APPLICATION)

  • Faith Community Grant: Grants will be considered for mission starts that have at their core a commitment to disciple people in the Christian (Lutheran) faith through service and witness to their neighborhood or city, always with an eye toward formation of a new Word and Sacrament community. Church plants may include church re-plants when a former congregation’s organization is replaced with new direction, purpose and leadership in order to respond evangelistically to the present and future community with the Gospel message.


PURPOSE: Stability for under financed Mission Agency supported leaders and Ministries


Grants may be considered for Church Worker Support and supplemental Congregational Support when partnership occurs with the Mission Agency to reach underserved communities, or specific language, cultural, or people groups. This may include the continuation of a Faith Community Recipient, a new worker, or for the launching of a new mission in a currently underrepresented people group. These decisions will be made by the Mission Agency Team.


PURPOSE: A strategic partnership with an organization that extends the reach of District Staff regionally and/or throughout the District

2772 Constitution Dr.

Livermore, CA 94551


MON-FRI 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Lunch Break: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Staff Bible Study: WED 9:30 AM-10:30 AM


© 2025 by CNH District

(925) 245-4000


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