All Workers Conference Breakout Session Speakers
Monday 3:00PM |Tuesday 8:45AM
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Monday Breakout Sessions • 3:00PM
Join us for an insightful and candid discussion as we navigate the complex world of
ministry. Having seen the impacts of church life from multiple perspective, Paul and Jen will share what they have learned and how it has impacted them and others along the way. We will explore the unique challenges faced by pastors' families and church workers, shedding light on the often-overlooked struggles they endure. The discussion will address the need for support and the emotional toll of ministry life.
Paul and Jen will provide real-life examples from their experiences, highlighting common issues that may resonate with others in ministry. This session aims to foster a supportive environment for discussing these challenges and exploring potential solutions to better support those who serve in ministry.
DR. TOM ZELT (Session #102)
How can you make the reality of what God has done for us be just as real to those we teach? How do we help people be in touch with the biblical world so they understand what God did in a deep and life-impacting way? One simple way is to integrate short videos, filmed on location in Israel, that provide the setting or a cultural nuance that greatly enhances life-changing, faith-building insights in a way that affirms the reality of the Scripture. This session is highly applicable for the classroom, the pulpit, or any teaching or worship setting.
MR. AARON EISBERG (Session #103)
In the rapidly evolving 21st century, the ability to engage in complex problem-solving is a crucial skill for students to develop. The world we live in presents us with multifaceted challenges that require creative and analytical thinking, as well as the ability to synthesize information from various sources. In this session, re-imagine how we approach academic rigor in the classroom and build authentic application of content knowledge by teaching for transfer.
REV. PAUL SCHULT (Session #104)
Humbition is a word that captures the paradoxical character traits of humility and ambition, the critical mark of an effective 21st Century leader. There are six practices that work together to make a humbitious leader. These six practices will challenge, inspire and bless you to grow in Christ-like character, and to be a more effective leader for God's mission.
Mike and Kristi will share honest reflection upon truths that we have learned and "are learning" in our life together through the many seasons of life over 36 years of pastoral ministry and family life . The Word, (written and incarnate), is our strength and foundation. Growing through challenges and failures result in meaningful teaching moments we would like to share. God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. This session will combine presentation and testimony with group questions and interaction.
REV. MIKE SCHMID (Session #106)
The majority of students in most Lutheran schools are not Lutheran. In fact, in many cases, the majority of students come from non-Christian homes with diverse values and lifestyles. How do we welcome and serve all students and their families while maintaining an authentic Lutheran identity?
MR. JOSH SALZBERG (Session #107)
The LCMS presides over the largest protestant school system in the U.S. and its student enrollments are increasingly diverse. Lutheran schools are blessed with faithful teachers, faculty, and administration who care for each child individually and cultivate classrooms where every student feels loved, seen, and valued as images of God. In this session, we will discuss strategies to encourage classrooms that are safe havens for all students. This session will be accessible and meet conference participants where they're at, whether new to the conversation or educators with years of experience in multiethnic classrooms. All attendees will leave with an attainable action plan of next steps to help them to continue fostering compassionate and engaging classrooms.
LINDSAY HAUSCH (Session #108)
Maybe you read that title and rolled your eyes. That was where I was five years ago. Any spiritual talk that smacked of helping me with my diagnosed anxiety made me cringe. My solution was simple: if I stuck to 100mg of Zoloft daily, then my anxiety was under control. Until it wasn't. While my anxiety was manageable, my body started showing signs that my anxiety was manifesting in new ways with tension headaches and chronic neck pain. What I thought was just anxiety was actually a lot of past hurt and resentment that I was trying to mask and ignore. Then I met a pastor who taught me about radical forgiveness, prayer journaling, and other practices that are as old as they are biblical and that I had neglected, just as I was neglecting my broiling resentment, weariness, and tamped down emotions. Life in ministry is hard, and it can take a toll on our emotional and spiritual health. However, I thought that my dwindling faith, explosive emotions, and spiritual apathy were things I should fear and avoid rather than indicators that I needed to pay attention to, confess to other Christians, and bring to Jesus for healing and transformation. Being leaders in ministry doesn't mean that these struggles disqualify us but that we get to go first. We are all a work in progress, and the Bible offers tools that can transform us and bring healing.
KARI PERNA (Session #109)
How can you use AI in your classroom tomorrow? A look at tips and tools for using AI as a teacher as well as with your students. Workshop format, so bring your ideas for using AI for helping students and giving you more time as a teacher.
Patrick Lencioni and The Table Group created an incredible tool that helps people grow in selfawareness and team-awareness. Corey is a trained and certified Working Genius facilitator through Table Group, and will do a deep dive into the tool and how you can immediately implement it on your teams and in your organization. The Working Genius is similar to a personality assessment, but unlike others, it has more to do with productivity and work style. It is 80% productivity and 20% personality. You will learn what gives yourself and your team energy, joy, and fulfillment to leverage their gifts and avoid burnout. This tool will bring a common language to your team and bring clarity where it often lacks.
How do we find, engage and raise up new leaders for ministry? This simple strategy will help you spot the leaders already in your midst and create a plan to develop their leadership capacity.
MATT MOLINARI (Session #112)
As ministry leaders, we have a lot to communicate in a short amount of time. Take a closer look at a number of powerful digital tools to elevate your communication game and save you time. This session will cover website publishing, church database systems, mass email marketing, graphic design and MORE!
Want to grow in serving your church and community? Check out Mission Training Center. Through our online platform and network of LCMS instructors students grow in knowing what they believe and why, as well as develop a wide variety of skills to enhance their service to their local church and witness to the community. Students serve in a variety of roles such as congregational board members, elders, deacons, Sunday School teachers, evangelists, etc. Anyone who is looking to serve apart from becoming a professional church worker is an ideal candidate for MTC classes. Mission Training Center is also proud to partner with the education ministries of the Pacific Southwest District (PSD), the California-Nevada-Hawaii District (CNH), and the Northwest District (NOW) to launch Foundations of Lutheran Teaching! Our mission is to support and equip school professionals for ministry in Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) schools.
JACKIE MELCHER (Session #114)
Attendees will explore how to integrate social emotional learning into the daily operations within their campus culture. Teachers will explore specific strategies to implement immediately in the classroom, councilors can level-up mental health interventions in small group settings, administrators will sample research based SEL programs, and spiritual leaders will be inspired to integrate biblical teachings along side evidence based practices as a comprehensive approach to promote teaching of the WHOLE child.
Tuesday Breakout Sessions • 8:45AM
Have you ever tried swallowing a steak whole? Maybe not literally, but that's how most Christians approach reading Scripture, especially the Old Testament. Psalm 1 tells us to meditate on Yahweh's Word, yet we don't often take the time to truly chew on it. Like savoring a delicious meal, not only do we need the time to really digest and enjoy reading Hebrew meditative wisdom literature, but we also need to set the table with the right tools to do so.
REV. DAVID JUNG (Session #202)
Being a Christian is about more than just going to heaven after your funeral. In just 60 minutes, this breakout session will unpack the profound yet understandable big story of God, from Genesis to Revelation. As you delve deeper into the grand, unfolding story of God, you'll be filled with awe at His work and gain greater clarity on the purpose of your story, both in life and ministry.
MR. AARON EISBERG (Session #203)
In the rapidly evolving 21st century, the ability to engage in complex problem-solving is a crucial skill for students to develop. The world we live in presents us with multifaceted challenges that require creative and analytical thinking, as well as the ability to synthesize information from various sources. In this session, re-imagine how we approach academic rigor in the classroom and build authentic application of content knowledge by teaching for transfer.
REV. ANDY JONES (Session #204)
Sabbath is a gift from God. God weaves rest into the very rhythm of His good creation. God highly values rest for His people. Many of the cultures around us highly values work, productivity, and hustle. This session seeks to help church workers and teachers establish or enhance their practice of Sabbath rest. We will explore what Sabbath is, why it is important, what gets in the way of Sabbath, and what Sabbath might look like for you.
DR. DAVE RUETER (Session #205)
We love young people! We want young people to love Jesus for a lifetime. As much as we have influence in their lives, research has consistently shown that parents have the largest influence over the faith lives of their children. Author of the CPH book Teaching the Faith at Home, Dr. Dave Rueter, unpacks the impact of parents and how to empower and encourage them to partner with your ministry to disciple the young people in your congregation.
Without knowing who God is, why would someone today care about the law or the consequences of not following it? We will consider the question of "what do we mean by Law and Gospel?" as well as explore what it means to evangelize to an increasingly agnostic culture.
WILL VANN (Session #207)
An introductory crash course to Artificial intelligence for administrators. Understanding AI and all the different types will help us understand its importance as a disruptive technology, how it will impact education, and how it all works. Once we demystify AI we can properly engage with what it actually is and how we can use it to leverage our productivity.
REV. JOE ROBB (Session #208)
There is no room for the negative spiritual condition brought on by competition and comparison that has become a big issue in our church. Connection and collaboration among workers, congregations, and schools are a vital part of the church's futures. Strengthening relationships with others will make the church stronger and united moving forward.
AARON PUTNAM (Session #209)
Do you have a calling and passion to impact your community with the Gospel, but feel stuck? Then this workshop is the one for you! We'll introduce you to our Mission Blueprint, a tool designed to help you clarify your ministry ideas and provide direction for next steps in building your mission venture. As a bonus, we promise not to bore you and you’ll have a good time hanging out with our crew!
KRISTI LANGE (Session #210)
If you are the WIFE of a Pastor, DCE, Principal, Teacher, Music Director or any other Called Worker of the CNH, please join us as we spend time encouraging and supporting one another! Meet a new friend, make a new connection, rekindle an old friendship....share time together for devotions and prayer time!
DON YOUNG (Session #211)
Utilizing and applying business skills and tactics to improve the operations and efficiency of our ministries. Identify ways to reduce costs without sacrificing services and to generate additional revenue to support our overall mission to proclaim the Gospel of our Savior, Jesus Christ, as we strive to be, make, and grow disciples of Jesus. Sharing ideas that have helped our Ministry (Church, School, and Preschool) over the past five years and facilitating a discussion where Best Practices can be shared so that attendees walk away with new thoughts and ideas to consider implementing.
KENDRA MCNATT (Session #212)
Between TED talks and Hobby Lobby signs, we hear a lot about joy these days. I love some good distressed wood signage as much as the next person, but what could joy actually look like in the realities of our ministries and our classrooms, in our mountaintop moments and our valleys? I'll be sharing some habits and ideas that I use as well as some stories to encourage you as you find the strength that comes from God's joy.
REV. MARTIN NOLAND (Session #213)
William C. Weinrich, Professor of Early Church and Patristic Studies at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana has recently published two volumes out of three/four volumes in the "Concordia Commentary Series" by CPH. After discussing the proper use of commentaries in general, and this series in particular, we will look at what Weinrich does with the text, its exegesis, and application in light of his extensive knowledge of Jewish, Christian, and Classical texts in the patristic and medieval periods.
SIERRA DAY (Session #214)
Teaching the Bible is so different depending on your age groups. Join me as we discuss some strategies on how to teach kiddos about the love of God. We will talk about the whole scope of early childhood from the early ages of infants to the older Pre-K. We will discuss different resources including media, extension materials, and some fun ways to keep your students engaged and excited for Bible time. I will be sharing practical advice that has been tested and used daily in our growing School. There will also be time for group discussion and idea sharing as we work together to become better and learn from each other about teaching God's words to His little Lambs.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Sean McDowell
Author, Speaker and Apologetics professor
Sean is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith. He connects with audiences in a tangible way through humor and stories while imparting hard evidence and logical support for viewing all areas of life through a Biblical worldview. (READ MORE)
Keynote Speaker: Sarah Salzberg
Sarah lives in Los Angeles, CA with her husband (Josh), son (Hosea) and daughter (Simone), traveling from one coffee shop to another trying as many cappuccinos and croissants as she can. When not hopped up on espresso, Sarah teaches Old Testament at Orange Lutheran High School in Orange County, CA. In addition, she has served as a planner and theological advisor for the LCMS Youth Gathering as well as a speaker for youth and women's retreats around the country. She earned her Masters in Theology from Concordia University in Irvine, but her pride and joy will always be Concordia Seward where she earned her Bachelors in Education. As mundane as it sounds, she’s living the dream!
Speaker Bios
Sierra Day:
I have been working for Peace Lutheran School for five years as a lead teacher, mentor teacher and now Co-Director. I have been teaching for 6 years prior to that at other church centers. I am currently attending Concordia University for my DCE degree. I have worked in children's ministry in multiple capacity's since I was 10 years old. Teaching the Bible in class has always been a passion of mine and I have spent many hours in classes and trainings on this topic.
Aaron Eisberg:
Aaron Eisberg began his career designing and implementing project-based learning in K-5 science classrooms. After teaching in the classroom, Mr. Eisberg spent a significant portion of his career advising teachers, schools, and school systems in the development and deployment of rigorous instructional design, effective assessment, and ensuring high levels of student voice and achievement in K-12 systems. His work has gained notoriety and is releasing three upcoming published books on Re-Imagining Rigor in the classroom. Mr. Eisberg currently works as the Director for the Center for Excellence at New Technology High School, the flagship school of the New Tech Network. As the Director he leads the work of designing new content for faculty, cultivating and curating professional learning for educators around the world, and supporting Napa New Tech High School in strengthening their student-led culture and meeting core academic and 21st Century outcomes. Mr. Eisberg is well regarded in his ability to lead adult professional learning in the utilization of innovative methodologies in today’s classrooms.
Marc Engelhardt:
Associate Pastor at Prince of Peace in Fremont California.
Paul and Jen Ferguson:
Paul Ferguson, Jr. serves as the Assistant to the President – Strategic Mission Leadership at the CNH District Office in Livermore, California. Paul has served as a pastor for over 25 years. Most recently Paul served for 16 years as the senior pastor at Our Savior in Rockwall, Texas. Paul has also held pastoral roles at St. Andrew in Houston, Texas, and St. Paul in Rockford, Illinois. In addition to his pastoral work, Paul has dedicated 22 years to serving as a Chaplain in the US Air Force, with deployments to Antarctica and the Middle East. He recently retired from the military, bringing a wealth of experience and a global perspective to his current role. Originally from Plano, Texas, Paul is married to Jennifer and together they have four children. Outside of his professional endeavors, Paul is an avid runner with two marathons and 13 half-marathons to his name. He also enjoys playing golf, reading, playing guitar, and spending quality time with his family.
Corey Garrity:
Corey is husband to Madeline and dad to his two girls, Mara (3) and Hollyn (1). He is also the lead pastor of Bridge City Church in Redwood City, CA. One of his great passions is team and organizational health. He has been trained and certified in Patrick Lencioni and The Table Group's newest tool, The Working Genius. He has worked with multiple clients ranging from local government in the San Francisco Bay Area to Nashville, TN.
Lindsay Hausch:
Lindsay is a mom of two girls and a boy, ages 10, 8, and 4. She's a Christian author (Take Heart & God’s Provision in a Wilderness World), speaker, and podcaster (Seasoned Mamas) as well as the wife of a pastor. Lindsay also is a coach and leader with PLI. She loves red lipstick, strong coffee and polka dots. She hates small talk, and would prefer to have deep conversations about the meaning of life. Her spiritual gift is adding humor to awkward situations. Lindsay speaks openly about her struggle with anxiety disorder and how it has deepened her faith and dependence on Christ.
David Jung:
Pastor at Grace Lutheran Church & School Visalia, CA (2021-current); Sole pastor at St Andrew Lutheran Church; Houston TX (2018-2021); a campus Pastor at CrossPoint Lutheran Church, Katy, TX (2008-2017); Certification Ordination, Concordia Seminary St. Louis (2008); M.A. Theology Concordia Irvine (2008), B.A. Theological Studies, Biblical Language, Concordia Irvine (2004)
Andy Jones:
Andrew R. Jones lives the the Bay Area, where he enjoys writing, hiking, and adventures with his wife, Stephanie. He has served the church on three continents in varying roles including campus ministry, international mission work, professor of preaching, and currently as parish pastor of First Lutheran Church and Preschool in Concord, CA. His writings speak to the importance of spiritual formation in the midst of a hectic world. His debut book, Ten Questions to Ask Every Time You Read the Bible, is available from Concordia Publishing House.
​Kristi Lange:
Kristi Lange has spent the last 36 years as a Pastor's Wife. She currently serves alongside her husband, Michael, who is serving in the role of CNH District President. They are blessed with 4 grown children, 3 bonus children and 6 exceptional grandchildren! She is a retired public school teacher and current substitute at Our Savior Lutheran in Livermore, CA. She has a passion for encouraging and connecting Pastors wives and others in the district!
Mike Lange:
Mike and Kristi have been married 36 years and have four adult children and six grand- children. Two months after their wedding, Mike was ordained and installed as an assistant pastor in Wayzata, MN. God's calling to him and their family have taken them from Minnesota to CA and into various vocations in the pastoral ministry, including pastor: (assistant, associate & senior and bi- vocational); Church planter; Director of Ministries; and now in the District office, first as Mission Executive and now as District President. Kristi began her working life out of university working for Bank of America in a variety of roles. While staying at home with their four children, she served part time as a bank teller; administrative help and bill-collection; in a home-based business; as a public school teacher's aide; and finally taught in the public school for 18 years in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade classrooms. Through it all she has filled the unofficial role of consultant to and ministry partner with the pastor; congregational ministry worker; and volunteer in children's, music, bible study and small group ministries.
​Kendra McNatt:
I have been a DCE for 11 years, spending the last 6 years as the Director of Youth Ministry at Prince of Peace Church where I work with middle and high school students and their families. I also enjoy teaching middle school Bible classes and coaching volleyball at POP Christian School. I am currrently a student at CUI in the school counseling program.
Matt Molinari:
Matt currently serves as LCEF District Vice President for CNH. Prior to this role, he served as DCE at Cross of Christ - Anthem, AZ and St. Matthew - Rocklin, CA where he had the privilege of leading teams in the areas of: youth, children, outreach, worship and digital communication.
Jackie Melcher:
Board Certified Behavior Analyst; MTSS/PBIS Coach and Coordinator; Newark Unified School District
Martin Noland:
The Rev. Dr. Martin R. Noland has been an ordained member of The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod for forty years. He served parishes in two Chicago metropolitan cities: Elgin, Illinois (1984-86) and Oak Park, Illinois (1990-2002); a parish at Evansville in Indiana (2009-2017), and presently is the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, San Mateo, California (2017 to present). He was the Director of Concordia Historical Institute, Saint Louis, Missouri (2002-2008), which is the Department of History and Archives of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Pastor Noland received his Ph.D. degree in church history in 1996 from The Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. Pastor Noland is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, receiving an M.Div. degree in 1983 and an S.T.M. degree in 1986 from that seminary. He is a graduate of Concordia Teacher’s College, River Forest, Illinois, receiving a B.A. degree in 1979 in Elementary Education and the certification of “Director of Parish Music.” He was a board member and Vice- President of the Luther Academy from 1993 to 2008. He has been an Associate Editor of “Logia: A Journal of Lutheran Theology” since 1996. He is the author of many articles, in print and online, on the Lutheran church, its history, its theology, and related topics. He has given many conference lectures on similar topics. Pastor Noland is a native of San Francisco and San Jose, California, and is married to Karla Noland nee Kuhlman. Pastor Noland and Karla are the parents of three daughters aged 23 to 27, have one son-in-law, and have two grandsons.
Kari Perna:
As a middle school teacher at St. John's Lutheran School and facilitator for Tec21, I love to find ways to use technology to increase engagement, cultivate creativity as well as to simplify teacher duties.
Jonathan Priest:
Rev. Jonathan Priest serves as the director of Mission Training Center, a joint effort of the Pacific Southwest, California-Nevada-Hawaii, and Northwest Districts of the LC-MS in partnership with Concordia University, Irvine, CA. Mission Training Center (MTC) provides online practical and theological formation that helps church members focus their passion and develop their gifts into skills for witness, fellowship, and service. Jonathan brings 22 years of ministry experience in rural and urban settings ranging from Nebraska to New York and Seattle. Beyond serving as a congregational pastor, Jonathan has worked as a jail and police chaplain. He has served as a church musician, church planter, campus ministry director, and as the superintendent of an urban K-8 school. Jonathan is married to Beatrice, whom he met at West Portal Lutheran Church and School during vicarage. In 2022 they moved back to San Francisco to be helpful to Beatrice's parents and became members of West Portal. Beatrice currently serves West Portal Lutheran School as the Alumni Outreach Coordinator. Together they have been blessed with one daughter, Evelyn, who attends 6th grade at West Portal.
Aaron Putnam:
Rev. Aaron Putnam is the Bay Area City Director of LINC Ministries, Int’l, a strategic urban network that empowers local missionary leaders. In this role, he is humbled to walk alongside a diverse group of grassroots, Gospel-motivated leaders who bring hope and help to every corner of our cities. Away from work, Aaron enjoys spending time traveling, hiking, golfing and hanging out with his wife Sofia and their four boys. Dawit Bokre and Josh Woodrow are pastors at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Hayward, CA, a multiethnic congregation made up of people from more than 15 different nationalities. Dawit and Josh love good coffee, hanging out, and helping people experience the Gospel in terms they can understand.
Jay Reed:
A DCE for 16 years and pastor for 21, Jay has served churches in Northern & Sourhern California & Massachusetts. He is the winner of the prestigious "Awesome DCE of the year award" for the New England District three years in a row (the fact that he was the only DCE in the district during that time notwithstanding) and currently holds the endowed chair of Stuff Nobody Really Cares About at Light of the Valley University. Presently pastor at Light of the Valley in Elk Grove he is still perfecting the craft of engaging otherwise distracted saints in the work of God's Kingdom.
Joe Robb:
Joe is the Senior Pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Ministries in Livermore, CA.
Dave Rueter:
Dr. Dave Rueter is first and foremost a husband (Andrea) and father (James and Wes). He is a rostered DCE, serving congregations in Huntington Beach, Rancho Cucamonga, and now Livermore, CA. He is certified by the Fuller Youth Institute as the official LCMS Growing Young speaker. Additionally, he previously served on faculty at Concordia University Irvine and the staff of the Pacific Southwest District. Dr. Rueter is the author of Teaching the Faith at Home and Called to Serve (both CPH) and contributor to Relationships Count and Connected for Life (also both CPH).
Paul Schult:
Paul is a Pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Redwood City, CA and has been in pastoral ministry for 29 years. He worked closely with Joel Koerschen at Redeemer and in the development of this course - Humbition - which is a part of a larger class called "The Heart and Soul of Leadership." Paul grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana, attended Concordia University Chicago and majored in Secondary Education. After teaching and coaching for 2 years at Walther Lutheran High School, he attended Concordia Seminary and entered the pastoral ministry. He and Beth have 5 children, two grandchildren and one on the way! They love the Bay Area and being by the ocean. Paul is also the author of "Getting to Know Jesus" that explains the six chief parts of the Christian Faith in relationship language.​
Mike Schmid:
Michael Schmid is the lead pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church and School in Napa, CA, where he has served the past 27 years. Before that he served Our Savior Lutheran Church in Manchester, IA. He also writes worship songs and school theme songs (
Sarah Salzberg:
Sarah Salzberg lives in Los Angeles, CA with her husband (Josh), son (Hosea) and daughter (Simone), traveling from one coffee shop to another trying as many cappuccinos and croissants as she can. When not hopped up on espresso, Sarah teaches Old Testament at Orange Lutheran High School in Orange County, CA. In addition, she has served as a planner and theological advisor for the LCMS Youth Gathering as well as a speaker for youth and women's retreats around the country. She earned her Masters in Theology from Concordia University in Irvine, but her pride and joy will always be Concordia Seward where she earned her Bachelors in Education. As mundane as it sounds, she’s living the dream!
​Josh Salzberg:
Joshua Salzberg is a co-founder for Lutherans for Racial Justice (LRJ), a grassroots coalition committed to fostering multiethnic church and school cultures while pursing racial equity, justice, and healing within the communities of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Over the past four years, LRJ has created resources for congregations and schools that help facilitate conversations about racial divides. In addition to his work with LRJ, Josh is the Executive Director of First Lutheran Church of Culver City & Palms, one of the most diverse and densely populated neighborhoods in Los Angeles. Professionally, he has worked as a screenwriter and editor in film and television for over 15 years. But don't let his West Coast credentials fool you -- Josh is a lifelong Lutheran hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, so he still has some LCMS street cred.
Will Vann:
Will Vann currently serves as the Manager, Online Support and Services for LCMS School Ministry. Will works on developing practical tools and courses for administrators in all Lutheran schools, supporting NLSA, and implementing new online tools for best accreditation practices. Will has served 11 in the education field, first as a technology coach and 6-8 computer/stem science teacher at Immanuel Lutheran St. Charles and then as Director of Technology at Christ Community Lutheran School to enhance, implement, and support technology and technology infrastructure across all 5 campuses.
Don Young:
Don has been the Executive Director in charge of operations (finances, HR, facilities, and IT) at Our Savior Lutheran Ministries in Livermore for the past five years. He has also served on the CNH Board of Directors since 2020 as Regional Lay Director for the Southern Region. Prior to working in ministry, Don was an Operations Executive in the Tech Industry (Sun Microsystems and NetApp) and before that worked for General Motors/Saturn for 20 years in product planning and field management roles. He has both an engineering and MBA degree.
Tom Zelt:
Tom is the lead pastor at Prince of Peace in Fremont, CA. He is the author of The Linch Pin, multiple journal articles, and various materials in a variety of mediums. His passion is to connect the reality of the biblical events to believers in a life-shaping way. He has worked to produce resources to be used in the classroom and in various worship and preaching settings by creating Impact Biblical Resources, which gives easy access to video and print materials downloadable through the internet. He serves as a Guest Instructor for Concordia Seminary, St Louis and Luther Institute Southeast Asia. He has an M.Div.from Concordia Seminary, an MA from Jerusalem University, and his doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is married to Sue and they have two children and seven grandkids.