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73rd CNH District Convention

The 73rd CNH District Convention will be held May 15 – 17, 2025 at Hilton Sacramento Arden West, 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento, CA. The theme for the Convention is “Fruitful Branches” (Pruned for Growth) based on John 15: 1-3.


More details about the convention will be coming soon!


2025 Convention / Manual Deadlines


Nominating ballots to congregations eight months before convention (Monday, September 16, 2024) – Each congregation may nominate two from the “minister of religion – ordained” roster for District President and First Vice President.



  • Nominations for President and First Vice President must be sent to the District Secretary no later than 6 months before the convention (Friday, November 15, 2024)

  • Nominations for Circuit Visitor – to be completed at least 4 months before the convention – Wednesday, January 15, 2025)

- Congregations may nominate two from among the active or emeriti pastors in their own circuit.
- The one with a majority of the votes is elected by the circuit.
- If no election, the secretary sends a new ballot with the names of the two clergy receiving the greatest number of votes (more it there is a tie)
- If no pastor receives a majority the delegates from that circuit must caucus and
vote at the convention.


  • Names, addresses, and a brief biography on every lay delegate must be in the hands of the District President’s office three months before the convention (Friday, February 14, 2025).

  • Committee, Board, and Counselor Reports and Overtures must be in the hands of the District President 10 weeks before the convention (Thursday, March 6, 2025).

  • Floor Committees must be appointed one month before the convention (Tuesday, April 15, 2025).

  • Convention manuals must be in the hands of the delegates one month before the convention (Tuesday, April 15, 2025).


Questions or Need to Send in Information? Click Here



Members of the CNH Nominating Committee, consisting of Pastor Clarence Eisberg, Sara Agee, Richard Fielitz, Dan Hahn, and CNH District President Mike Lange met on April 30, 2024, to begin the process of obtaining nominees for the slate of candidates to be presented to the CNH District Convention, May 15-17, 2025.


Nominations are needed for the following positions:


  • Regional Directors for the Board of Directors

  • Secretary (must be from clergy roster)

  • Treasurer

  • Commissioned Minister for the Board of Directors

  • 2028 District Convention Nominating Committee (one pastor, one commissioned minister, and two lay persons)


Nominees should be brothers and sisters in Christ who are active in their own congregations, who
demonstrate a mature Christ-like attitude and servant heart, who exhibit a special sensitivity for the mission of Christ, and who have demonstrated talents and abilities consistent with the position for which you are suggesting the nomination.

Please use the Nomination Form linked below to send your suggested nominations by Monday, July 1, 2024, to Nominating Committee member, Dan Hahn, at

When you email these nominations, please call the District office (925-245-4000) to verify receipt of these important materials. Please provide all the information requested on the form, and please be aware that copies of each individual form will be shared with the entire Nominations Committee. Positions are identified on the form.


Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this request and for your prompt reply. Without your
assistance, we have no way of identifying those with gifts from God that can be used in service for the larger mission of the Church.

Yours in the mutual service of our Lord,

The District Nominating Committee
Rev. Clarence Eisberg, chair
Sara Agee
Richard Fielitz
Dan Hahn

#7 Pruned and Positioned_edited.jpg
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.

- John 15:1-3

2772 Constitution Dr.

Livermore, CA 94551


MON-FRI 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Lunch Break: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Staff Bible Study: WED 9:30 AM-10:30 AM


© 2024 by CNH District

(925) 245-4000


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